
Horsepower Automotive Group Announces Nikki Flowers Customer Service & Compliance Manager

HPAG is proud to announce the promotion of Nikki Flowers from Customer Service Coordinator to Customer Service & Compliance Manager. Flowers is looking forward to utilizing her years of experience and unique skill set to lead the customer service & direct-to-consumer sales teams, oversee customer-facing data, manage retailer/distribution agreements, handle pricing concerns, and overall contribute to HPAG's 2025 company goals.

Addictive Desert Designs Announces a 3% Increase in Retail MAP
ADD is increasing its Retail MAP price by 3% to align with MSRP. This market adjustment will result in increased margins for ADD's partners and bring pricing consistency to the market.
Horsepower Automotive Group Announces Michael Timmons Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing
HPAG introduces Mike Timmons as their new SVP of Marketing & Sales. With years of experience in the automotive aftermarket parts industry, he brings an array of fresh ideas to the team to help foster growth and collaboration. His main focus is to expand HPAG's jobber trade channels while fine-tunning their overall marketing strategy.